Thursday, December 9, 2010

Delicious URLs

Use the link below to take you to a Google Document spreadsheet. Under your hour, you need to put your last name, first name in the left column, and your delicous URL in the right.

Delicious URL spreadsheet


  1. For social book marking other people can see waht you have book marked so they don't have to. Tags are useful because you can sort simular blog topicts into a more confined area.

  2. 1. In my opinion, social bookmarking is a benefit because you can see and use your bookmarks anywhere with internet access. Also, it is a great way to share information.

    2. Tags are important because it can make a search easier. It could also help you identify something faster.

  3. 1. Some benefits of social bookmarking are that you can tag and organize many different things. This allows you to sort through them. You can also see other websites where people tagged something similar that you might be interested in thus increasing your chances of finding a site that you REALLY like.
    2. Tags are important because they keep you organized and they allow you to see other websites where people have the same tags. This is very nice to have.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 1)Its easier to keep stuff oranginzed.
    2)To make it easier to find what your looking for easier and to show what was in what you read.

  6. 1. Some benifits of social bookmarking are that you can discover new websits by looking at someone else's bookmarks and vice versa.
    2. Tags are important so that you can organize your bookmarks and find them more easily based on catagories.

  7. 1. i think social bookmarking can benifit you because it gives you acces to other fellow bookmarker's bookmarks and tags.
    2. i think that tags are important because they keep you organized.

  8. 1. You can learn new things and look up something in your interest that other people have posted.

    2. It is easier to find what you are looking for, and it tells you what category that blog is in.

  9. 1. Social bookmarking can help people find websites that they might not have found on their own. It helps people share with each other and help each other.

    2. Tags are important because thats how you find websites or articles about what your searching for.

  10. Maddie Andres
    1. You can benefit from social bookmarking because it gives you a place to organize your links and exchange good sites between other web users.
    2. Tags are important because it makes it easier for search reasons and you can also see what categories other web users are searching and using too.

  11. Social bookmarking is beneficial because you can share the bookmarks with other people, and the bookmarks are not tied to one computer.

    Tags are important so when you search for something, you can find that something and things related to that matter.
    -Charlie Martin

  12. Lindsay Ferguson
    1. Some benifits of social bookmarking are that you can discover new websits by looking at someone else's bookmarks and vice versa.
    2. Tags are important so that you can organize your bookmarks and find them more easily based on catagories

  13. Natalya
    1. Benifits of social bookmarking are that you can see what other people like and you can show others what you like. You can also find new interests through other people.

    2. Tags are important because they help people to find things that they are looking for. Also they help people to see what the website is about before they click on the link.

  14. Some Benefits of social bookmarking woould be that you could use it to do some of your school projects if you needed to look up some information.
    I think tags are important because they show you all the websites you can visit without typing in the url.

  15. Some benefits of social bookmarking are you can meet lots of new people and get great ideas of new websites to visit.
    Tags are important because it's an easier way to find something pacific your looking for. It helps organize everything. If u have hundreds of pages of things and you have to look through all it to find something pacific a tag can take you right to it.
    By. Ashley Franklin

  16. Katelin Gangway
    1.Becouse it allow you to have a voice in the world.And speck your own mind.
    2.Taging is important becouse you can tag thing that you like and show the world.

  17. 1. Some benefits of social bookmarking are its faster to look up info fast.
    2. Tags are important because it is a lot easyer to click the tag then type in the ur.
    Zach Kunkel

  18. 1.secial bookmarking can help people find websites that they would of never thought of and help others see you'r intress in things you like online
    because tags can help people research things that they are looking for and because it helps you keep track of your favorite sites
    Leslie szych

  19. Kayla Stilwell
    1)Some benefits are that you can see what other people have taged or posted.

    2)Tags make it easier to find things and makes it more organized.

  20. Social bookmarking provides quick, easy access to bookmarked urls between browsers and computers.
    And tags are quite important because they make finding things quicker, and easier than having to manually find it without tags.

    Also, deal with it, Tiffany.

  21. Courtney Hanusz
    1. Social bookmarking is benificial because you can see other people's websites that might be useful to you. Also, you can organize your favorite websites by using tags.
    2. Tags are important because they organize your websites and makes it easier to search for websites that you would be interested in.

  22. 1. benefits of social bookmarking are they allow us to find new information that intrests us.
    2. allow us to revisit sites that we don't remember how to get to.
    Alex Ondrus
